That wasn't nice. Had a series of power bumps here at the house over
the weekend that messed with my computers, like the main Team.Net
server. That old Dell had been rock solid reliable, with an uptime of
over 425 days. Oh well. Of course my computer troubles are nothing
at all compared to the tornado havoc over the weekend. Hopefully no
listers were seriously affected. I still remember what damage can be
done by twisters from my years in the Midwest.
When I did get the machines back up and running again a few things
didn't quite work out, some software failed to start as it should.
So you may have noticed no Team.Net email for a while. I was at work
all day so I didn't notice until this evening. Sorry. We should be
back in business now, though.
Perhaps last week when I posted about 20 years of Team.Net I should
have put in a pitch for some donations to acquire some newer, more
stable hardware ( bigger UPS ) and some upgraded software. I
certainly did recieve some donations, will hopefully get around to
thanking folks in a day or two.
So if you have a few bucks laying around and feel like helping to keep
this Team.Net experiment around for another 20 years, feel free to visit - wait, I better update that file, the
FAX machine is printing blank faxes, another bit of hardware I'll likely
have to replace. Computers can be so much fun.
Anyway, Team.Net email, forums and web pages should all be back to
mostly normal, thank you for your patience.
Suggested annual donation $16.00