"Is (was) there some sort of "padding" between the outer and inner front
fenders where the fender bolts on, right in front of the A-pillar?
It appears that there once was something there. Was it that hair pad stuff?
If there is supposed to be something there, what is a good replacement?
Hi Tim, usually there is a moisture barrier installed at such locations.
IIRC there was a bitumen type seal on mine.
Nowadays I would recommend a paintable Automotive Seam Sealer.
Run a good size bead the full length of the panel join and bolt it up.
Use plenty of it so it oozes out from the joint thus ensuring the two panels
are adequately sealed.
You can clean up the excess with the recommended product or just leave it
there to skin over.
Then you can paint over it if you wish.
One word of advice.
Make sure the mating surfaces are RUST FREE and have been properly prepared
and painted prior to re-assembly.
This is to ensure that the mating surfaces don't corrode under the seam
This is where a lot of car manufacturers create a rust time bomb!
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