hi dick, in my experience with that 5 spd. i would make a strong guess
that the problem is the shift pin on the 1-2 shift rod. that was the weak
on the u20 5 spd. you have to r&r the eng., trans., and take the case apart
get to the shift rods and pins. btw, DO NOT just replace the one bad shift
do them all. you can get double(THICK) roll pins, or you can just put in new
roll pins, and buy a bunch of 3/32 " drill bits, to drive in side of the
pins and break off flush.
also, to get an idea if the pins are at fault, when you lose 2nd gear, push
the shifter back hard against 1st gear, then gently try for 2nd. if it works,
then its a broken shift pin. this is not a definitive test. while apart, this
a good time to ck. 5th gear(for being splined), and mabe put in frt. and
rear seals. lastly, if you lose 2nd gear, it doesnt hurt to drive the
car, skip shifting 2nd. gear.(mabe some extra clutch plate wear).
good luck, bob smith, ohio.
> To: Datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net
> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 11:21:15 -0500
> From: dickschnei@aol.com
> Subject: [Roadsters] 5-speed tranny pops out of 2nd gear?
> The transmission in my 1969 2000 is starting to pop out of 2nd gear. It
> happens infrequently but once it occurs I can not use 2nd at all. There is
> grinding or any other noise. It simply goes right back into neutral. If I
> shut off the engine for a few minutes then restart, the transmission seems
> work normally once again.
> This car has the Mikuni carbs and runs great, but I am fearful that if I
> it under these conditions I might destroy the transmission. Any advice from
> anybody would be much appreciated. I am not a mechanic at all, so any
> solution would need to be done at a shop. Are there rebuild 5-speeds
> available? Can these trannys be rebuilt at a local shop? Are there even
> parts available? Any ideas, even ones that are of significant cost, will be
> helpful.
> My wife and I love this car and enjoy the warm days taking road trips. As
> approach our retirement years, we planned on taking this car on longer
> but in this condition it seems to be very risky.
> Thanks,
> Dick Schneiders
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