Hooked up with a local group for a 2-day, 650 mile backroads tour from
Los Angeles to Los Alamos (~20 miles north of Solvang) this past
Great folks, great roads, great eats. Roadster ran like a champ (she
got new "shoes" for this year), slight drizzle on Monday when coming
back thru the mountains north of LA, but dry all the way home (then
poured the next day!). It got a might chilly at times, as I did the
entire run top-down, but better to enjoy the sights and smells.
Great group of eclectic, pre-'76 cars. I was the only roadster, although
302-roadster Eric was along in his classic Mini.
A rotary spridget, a slant 6 Valiant, a couple Volvo 122's, three 510's
(a rotary, an SR-20NA, and SR20DET!) a Maserati Bora (!!), an early
Toyota coupe with an 1800/5-spd combo, a bugeye whose oil-line left it
erupting in a cloud of smoke after 5 blocks, a sweet Rambler with green
paisley headliner and dash treatment, a gorgeous Alfa coupe, a 2002 with
a straight 6, a 58 Jag Type 1- sounded like Benny Goodman trombones
coming out of tight corners, a Mercedes pagoda with a Buick V-6, and
I drove most of the way as a wingman with a TR-8 (great sound, much like
the 302 in Eric's car) and a later model MGB that had a single 45-Weber,
both better drivers continually drove away from me in the twisties.
(if only all the parts I have bought for the front end were on the car
instead of languishing in the toolbox drawers)
But, I have learned this is a good thing, (letting folks distance you)
Some pic links will show in the coming weeks.
but I think these ones are current
Because of roadside delays (let everyone drive out from the motel, then
had the TR-8 not start, had to rewire the fuel pump circuit for some
unknown reason), I don't appear in anyone's on-road pictures, but the
gearhead talk was wonderful, and the roads around the wineries in that
part of CA are incredible. (even if I was running out of gas and
wondering if I'd be hoofing it soon)
Now she goes up on blocks for front end rebuild, with a self-imposed
deadline of one month to completion.
Happy fall roadstering,
Fergus O (getting over the sore cheeks from grinning for 2 days
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