Jury is still out on Fergus. :) Back on topic, Tiddlywinks? Or for those
who fish, Dipsy Divers, use them to catch all the salmon, reduce the demand
for Delta Smelt, all is good.
Dave Brisco
-----Original Message-----
From: tminerpcav@aol.com [mailto:tminerpcav@aol.com]
Contrary to popular belief, Fergus is NOT the face of stupid (as evidenced
by this brilliant solution)!
Tim Miner
-----Original Message-----
From: O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS) <Fergus.OFarrell@ngc.com>
I see two solutions to your 1000 pcs of crappy badges.
1.????? Hot glue gun, and cover my whole car with them, making it an art car
but worsening the appearance only slightly.
2.????? The same hot glue gun, make a dam, impede water flow somewhere, and
save some California smelt.
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