We don't have a "water shortage" problem. We have a "water
mismanagement problem". The amount of water that is wasted by diverting
it into rivers that then lead to the ocean is astounding. Furthermore,
the amount of water we waste AND pollute by using it just to flush our
toilets is criminal. Some day, we may look at all flush toilets the way
we used to look at the old style flush johns that used 10 gallons per
flush. Stupid and wasteful. There are better ways, more
environmentally responsible ways to dispose of human waste...
Don't even get me started....
Eric Hoffman wrote:
> Please forgive the off topic, I know a lot of you guys are in S. California
> and I was wondering your opinion of the self inflicted drought in the name of
> saving the two inch Delta Smelt. Apparently the water is now diverted to the
> sea, farmers are going under, and produce is going up. Just wondering what's
> the deal.
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