If you've never swapped a ring gear and pinion, I'd suggest having it done.
It's not a simple task without the right tools and some experience. There
are a number of critical tolerances that must be set correctly or you can
chew up the gears in short order as well as messing up your nice Detroit
Locker. Search the web for info on replacing and setting up the R&P and
you'll see what I mean.
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 1:18 PM, steven boortz <> wrote:
> hi everyone
> i'm working on the roadster this weekend. installed some air intakes into
> my airdam for the brake ducting. and now have the header off and am going
> to wrap it before re-installing it.
> i also have a new diff to eventually install. i have a pumpkin with 4.38
> gears, and a (sloppily) welded diff. i have never installed this unit. i
> also recently acquired a detroit locker. (thanks Dick!). looking at the 2
> units, it seems at first glance that swapping the locker into the pumpkin in
> place of the welded piece seems pretty straight forward. but i could find
> no discussion on 311s. is it as easy as it looks, or am i in for trouble if
> i try to do it myself? any hints?
> thanks in advance
> steve
> 675MIZU
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