It keeps the lifters from falling out unless you have them restrained
Thusly spake SlowBoy, On 9/17/2009 12:05 PM:
> Why do we turn the engine upside down to get the cam out?????
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of MH
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:10 AM
> To: peter harrison; datsun
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Removing the cam
> Remove valve cover, loosen rocker arms sufficiently to relieve lifter
> tension at high cam lobe positions or remove rocker shaft / arm assembly &
> push rods, After you pull the engine from the car, turn the engine upside
> down then remove:
> oil pan (optional, but is a good idea for guiding the cam in and out), fan
> belt, crank pulley/damper, timing cover, timing chain, cam gear, cam gear
> retainer, ........then extract the cam. That's the BASIC info. Go thru those
> steps, and you'll learn the smaller, intermediate things as you go.
> Disclaimer: ..... I might have forgotten other important items, but that's
> the general idea. I think there is more info in the service publications.
> Mike Hudson '67 - Stroker / 5-Speed
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "peter harrison" <>
> To: "datsun" <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:29 AM
> Subject: [Roadsters] Removing the cam
>> So starting to reassemble eliza - put fuel tank back in last weekend
> w/Linda's
>> help -
>> need to get the camshaft out to clean it - any idea how I may acheive
> that?
>> Still looking for passenger side mounts for alternator - want to move it
> away
>> from exhaust - not looking for freebies
>> thx
>> peter
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