First thank you ALL for your great responses! I didn't shoot the car as I am
actually quite fond of it. Get tons of complements even sitting on the side of
the road with the hood up. The car has never stranded me as I always got it
running to get it home.
I have been looking for my vacuum gauge for the past couple of days. That
little wonder tool can tell so much about a engines condition. We had a house
fire and I can not find anything (almost) I did clean the carb inlet screens.
The guy I bought the car from said he had rebuilt the carbs so I assumed (ever
see the Odd Couple when Felix explains ass-ume, makes a ass out of you and me)
that the filters were at least cleaned. That wasn't the problem. I believe it
is the gas line from the tank to the engine compartment and possibly the gasket
did decompose as mentioned. The car died again and I blew out the line and now
have incredible pressure. The fuel filter is full. Drove the best since I have
owned it.
The car is a 1970 SPL311.
Whats the best way to clean the tank. It supposedly was but????
Thanks again for every ones help!
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