> Are the lifters on the 1600 Mechanical or Hydraulic?
> The engine makes a fairly loud tick-tick-tick.
Mechanical. Sounds like they're a little loose. You'll want to
adjust them hot to get an accurate setting; I'm certain the how-to
is over on the wiki.
Other things could be causing the noise (broken guide, dropped
seat) but it probably just needs adjusting. If they're very far off,
after you adjust them you may want to rebalance the carbs.
-- John
John F Sandhoff sandhoff@csus.edu Sacramento, CA
p.s. Be aware that today's oil is bad for our older engines. Recently
the amount of zinc additive has been drastically reduced. There's
lots of chatter on this subject - google "zddp". Today's oils are
reported to eat yesterday's camshafts.... Lots of people seem to
have turned to Rotella or Delo diesel oil...
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