Years ago when I pulled wrench for Bill Steven's D Sports racer with a
Mercury outboard laying flat into a Fiat gearbox I had to deal with bearings
similar to this type.
In order to put the needle bearings in the caps and keep them there we
packed the caps with good old axle grease and pressed the needles into the
grease, which held everything together.
Being a 2-Stroke engine the fuel was fed from the carbs past the crankshaft
and up along the side of the cylinder walls and into the cylinder. As the
gasoline passed by the rod and main bearings it would wash the grease out of
the bearings and carried it into the cylinders. That made the fuel mixture
something that would not burn, so to start the car after the engine was
reassembled we tied a rope to the roll bar and towed the car on neighborhood
streets at midnight. There were 3 megaphone stacks (read LOUD) pointing
towards the sky, and while the grease was burning out the flames from those
stacks went about 15-20' into the air. When the engine did start the car
was quickly driven around the block and put into the garage, where the door
was put down and the lights were turned off while neighborhood lights in
some homes were coming on. BTW, NOBODY ever wanted to pit next to us
because of the extreemly loud exhaust noise that came from this engine. You
could hear the car all the way around Seattle International Raceway or
Westwood when it was on the track.
69 2000 - Mr. Hyde
On 9/12/2009 9:58:11 AM, Bill Oakes ( wrote:
> So, before making the adjusts to make the
> '69 steering control box fit
> in my '68 I thought
> I'd dig into the old one a little deeper.
> Again, it was binding up and when I took it apart it just didn't
> feel
> good, so I thought
> i'd save time and get a replacement.
> Turns out what was making the trouble was the bearings that hold in
> the tab (that slips into the worm gear to turn everything) into the
> assembly shaft fell into the worm gear and made the trouble. See
> picture at:
> It kind of looks like the the caps at the top and bottom of that shaft
> are "punched in" and you can't
> get in there. True?
> So, if I can get just the assembly shaft I think
> I'm back in business.
> Thoughts anyone?
> thanks
> Bill
> '68 2000
> Solex
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