I was 2 miles from the edge of the fire. Got a mandatory evacuation phone
call, so we had to pack up and head out. The roadster is immobile so it had
to stay, but I opted to take my BMW 2002 over my Xterra - way too much work
in to that car to let it go down in flames :) We drove through the
neighborhood last night that was hit the worst. It was absolutely
devastating. I couldn't believe how completely the houses burned - there was
just nothing whatsoever left but chimneys and appliance frames. Several cars
were burned out - that was really strange and surprising too. There was
nothing left of an entire vehicle but the shell. No glass, nothing at all
but the metal. All the cars also had their bellies down to the ground, so I
assume that the springs must have gotten hot enough to just collapse. It was
really strange how the fire went through the neighborhood - not at all what
I was expecting. It seemed to just randomly take out houses through this big
subdivision. There is probably 100 or more houses and about 30-40 got taken
out - but they were sprinkled all throughout the rest of the houses. It
seemed really random as to which houses burned in many instances. There
would be one house completely leveled next to another that was completely
unscathed. My wife has 2 coworkers that lost their houses, really sad.
-----Original Message-----
From: datsun-roadsters-bounces@autox.team.net
[mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Daryl Smith
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:25 AM
To: Datsun Roadster List
Subject: [Roadsters] BC/California Fires
List is pretty quiet lately.
Here's hoping everyone near those fires are safe.
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