I only remember a few of the names you listed . Gordon, Tom, Jim Tyler, Pina,
a few other prime contributors.
I know a lot of folks moved on to when it was set up, but I sure do
miss the days of the active Roadster list.
We could get a good accurate answer in a matter of a day back then. I met a
lot of people on this list, and still keep
in touch. I figured a lot of people like myself are in lurk mode most of the
time, and don't even reply :( .I sure hope all
of you old list members are well, and hope to see you at an event in the
future. I might bite the bullitt, and tow the race
car down to Shasta this year for the 25th Anniversary.
> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Subject: RE: [Roadsters] How long have you been on the mailing list ?
> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 20:25:45 -0700
> I came on board in late 96 (I think.. tabun). 1st thing I did was to DL the
> oringnal archives (Iong lost) to see what I had missed ( alot!)
> > Ma Roadster (I don't remember her name)
> Suze Hammond
> Pat, you used "Patrick J Horne" the "Peace" and the "Habitat for humanity"
> sig line was always there
> Crawford Griffith - I think he posted one of the very few first posts
> Tom ended every post with "Cheers"
> Dana Nojima moved all over the country but stayed with the list.
> Big Posters - Where are they Now?
> Blair Barondes
> Chris Coker
> Dave Coleman - Penned a History on Nissan paper for college with the list
> an editor- That paper has been copied over and over again thanks to the
> internet
> Roger Garnett - Another early list pioneer
> Chance C. Geurin
> Ken Savage
> Stephan Sochoux
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