Don't rember what year your car is, but I'd suggest several things.
First get a copy of the Auto Electrical Handbook by Jim Horner,
published by HP Books (
and read it cover to cover. Then go to www,, click on the
PMWIKI Tech Section (top item in the left frame), click on Electrical
and read the relavant sections regarding alternators and such.
Then click on Schematics: Wiring Diagrams and look through those. Jim
Bain's done a truly incredible job of creating the color versions and
I/we all greatly appreciate them being availble on the site. Select
the color one that best fits your car (in its stock condition) and
save the PDF to disk or a pin drive, take it to Staples, Kinkos, etc,
and have it printed and laminated as large as you can afford. Staple
charged me $20 to do a 2 ft x 3 ft for my '70 but it's worth it, IMO.
They'll do 11 x 17 for around $2.00, but the larger size is much
easier to read.
Get yourself a digital volt/ohm meter and a set of leads that includes
alligator clips, etc. You're going to have to compare and match the
different circuits in the OEM harness with the one you bought.
Depending on the number of circuits in the new harness you may not use
them all.
This is not a simple process, even though it may appear to be. You can
get badly hurt and ruin some very expensive bits and pieces if you do
the wrong thing. If you're not familiar with DC and some AC electrical
theory you might want to reconsider tackling this without someone on
hand to walk you through it. Not trying to belittle your abililties,
but I'd rather tick you off than see you ruin something or see you get
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