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[Roadsters] The return of Problem #1

To: <>
Subject: [Roadsters] The return of Problem #1
From: Andrew Murphy <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:58:49 -0700

I guess I should have listened to the more experienced people out there in
regards to my fuel starvation issue. If you recall, I had problems keeping my
carbs fueled and after many times priming both the carbs pots and the fuel
bowl, I seem to be back where I started.

Some interesting symptoms:

1. When cold starting in the morning, the pots run out of fuel and engine dies
within a minute.
2. Once I manually prime the pots and the fuel bowl (which can take several
attempts) I can get the car to run
3. When out on the road, the car pulls fine in first and second gears up to 5K
RPM, but in third gear, the car starts to lose power and miss at about 4K RPM
4. Once into 4th gear and if I keep the car below 4K RPM the car runs fine.

Let the car cool off and start the whole process over.

I am thinking the fuel pump is not working right. So I figure I will just go
ahead and get a new one as they are not too expensive. I am going to order the
pump and spacer block. Any tips on installation? Any "gotchas" I should know
about? It looks easy enough - just remove the battery and tray and alternator
to get at it. R&R I am thinking...

Any other thoughts from the community? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I REALLY want to bring the car to the toy drive at the Datsun Heritage Museum
on the 8th of November.


Andrew Murphy
1966 1600
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