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Re: [Roadsters] OT- new ebay rules what the heck?

To: "chalsted" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] OT- new ebay rules what the heck?
From: "Bubba" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 20:49:44 -0500
It's because of the sellers that hold positive feedback hostage, and won't 
give feedback until positive is left.  So they could leave negative feedback 
anyways if they wanted to be A$$holes.  The way I see it is:

If I sell something and the buyer pays quickly or on time, or communicates 
there may be a delay of one or two days.  The transaction is done on my end 
once the item is shipped.  I'm supposed to give the feedback on this part of 
the transaction, and should be giving positive feedback.

Now as a buyer,   If I pay early, quick or on time, or if there is a 
REASONABLE delay of 1-2 days, AND I ok this delay with the seller, I should 
be given Positive Feedback.  I should be getting Positive feedback based on 
communicating and paying.  I should not have to give feedback to get it. 
However. if I don't pay I deserve negative feedback.

Once the Item arrives, if it's not what was expected, I should have to try 
to resolve it before giving any feedback.  Negative feedback should be given 
only if there is a problem that  does not get resolved.  If I'm not happy, 
and the seller won't do anything, or answer communications they deserve 
negative feedback.

Now if the seller does nothing to resolve the issue, refuses to communicate, 
and I give negative feedback, but I paid on time, do I deserve negative? 
No.  I held my part of the deal, and as such should be rewarded with 
positive feedback for that.  In a case where the seller was paid quickly or 
on time, won't do anything to resolve a problem, receives negative feedback, 
they should not be able to give negative, just because the buyer gave it to 
them.  But that's what was happening.

Just because the seller is a less than honorable person, those of us who are 
honest, and good e-bayers should not be penalized.

Unfortunately the bad sellers, and Ransom feedbackers, have ruined it for 
anyone selling.  They didn't follow the rules anyways, so the rules were 

And yes I've had feedback withheld from a seller waiting for my feedback. 
And because of issues with the products tried to contact the seller but 
couldn't get the issue resolved, if I had left negative, would I receive 
positive because I was honest and paid quick.  Yeah, and if you believe 
that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you can have real cheap!

If they withhold feedback, I don't give feedback until they do.  I e-mail 
and say the product arrived, and I'm happy.  When I receive their feedback 
based on my TRANSACTION part, not the follow-up part of the deal, I leave 
the same.

Bob Winslade
1966-1600 Missy
1967-1600 Bender
1972-510 4 dr Daisy
1972-510 4 dr (picking up on Saturday)

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