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Re: [Roadsters] How do you tighten that nut? You don't with big

To: "'Matthew A. Smith'" <>,
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] How do you tighten that nut? You don't with big
From: Tim <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 4:15:35 -0700
I am guessing that my big hands (my wedding ring is a size 17 and the standard 
ring sizer only goes up to size 13!) I am never going to be able to do this bit 
myself if I get up the gumption to try it alone. 

Good thing my wife is a good sport, very mechanical, and would most likely try 
it for me. Her hands were small enough and the only way we could get the drain 
valve open under my compressor last week. The space under the compressor was so 
small I could barely get one finger tip on the nut of the valve. Can you say 
"time to modify the drain valve"?

Often lamenting big hands in Wisconsin,


---- Paul <> wrote: 

  Craftsman makes an open end wrench with an odd cut in one edge that allows
you to rock it back and forth; almost like a ratchet.  Combine that with
Cathy Ann's small hands and that middle bolt comes off a lot easier.  But
then on the race cars we have the manifolds off a few times a year instead
of once every 20 years.  That and lots of JB Blaster!

Sloan Racing
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