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[Roadsters] Alternate alternator set-ups

To: <>
Subject: [Roadsters] Alternate alternator set-ups
From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 14:42:51 -0500
John wrote:
<< A one-wire means easier to get a replacement on the road, it bypasses
bad wiring, it gives more power BUT requires bypassing the ammeter so
now you don't know when that new alt goes south :-)  ......Or use a
two-wire and add the idiot light circuit.   >>

I guess I got lucky (sure wasn't "wiring wisdom" on my part, eh John?)
but I followed the 1-wire installation instructions on,
including the idiot light circuit, and ended up with a functioning
ammeter.  Then, when my temp gauge sender went south, I found an
aftermarket 3-gauge set with a properly threaded temp sender adaptor,
and came with a  voltmeter, so now I have both ammeter and voltmeter.

Linda wrote:
<<  I think the key is to have a spare alt in the trunk. Quick change
and keep on going.   >>
Nah Linda, the key is mount the spare alt in the trunk, being driven off
the back wheels, (like the scrub wheels on bicycle lights) then just
throw a large toggle switch - without stopping of course -  to change
power sources!

Fergus O
Elmer O'ElectronEscape
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