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[Roadsters] Alternator BBQ (was "Re: Mitty Bad News")

Subject: [Roadsters] Alternator BBQ (was "Re: Mitty Bad News")
From: (Pete Peters)
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 18:42:03 +0000
Maybe you get a discount when you buy alternators by the six-pack. .....<g>


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Gary McCormick <>
> 5 alternators in a year... ?
> Good that you figured out that the wiring thing was the root of your 
> problem, but have you ever heard the famous definition of insanity? 
> Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different 
> result...  ;^)
> Gary McCormick
> San Jose, CA
> Matthew A. Smith wrote:
> >Thanks for the GHF perspective Jon,
> >
> >Now the glass is nearly > full, since I ALSO figured out why Im on my 5th
> >10SI alternator in a little over a year. There are two ways to wire these
> >things. Heres a hint. Dont wire it BOTH ways. It turns out electricity
> >doesnt like to go in two directions on the same wire. It tends to burn up
> >diodes and voltage regulators REALLY FAST! My volt meter needle no longer
> >waves at me after about 100 miles of installing a new alt. Ill miss the
> >little fella. Another plus is that I can now swap alternators in my car in
> >about 1 = minutes if necessary. A real advantage for the Mechanic on the
> >go!.
> >
> >So, anyone have the dates for next years Mitty yet? :-)
> >
> >I have one more day of vacation left. Im heading to North Carolina in a few
> >minutes. Guna go run the Tail of the Dragon a few times.
> >
> >Matt Smith
> >
> >
> >Definitely a bummer that it happened but from a "glass is half full"
> >perspective it was a good thing you were paying attention so it didn't get
> >worse.
> >
> >Jon Frampton
> >Huntington Beach
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