?? serious? you won't "wax political"... and then you do? is that an
effort to get the first, and the last word in, in the same post? ;-)
Jim Gammon wrote:
> I respect the site, so I will not wax political except to say that
> neither McCain nor Bush are conservatives.
> Conservative means wanting to spend efficiently, have less government
> interference and allow freedom as much as possible. The government is
> there to protect us from threats, not to control our lives or threaten
> our privacy.
> Too many people believe the media crap about how conservatives are
> into government controls, complete crap. The founding fathers were
> conservatives.
> I personally feel I am middle of the road, I think we need the
> government to help those who need help, without creating dependency.
> But...
> Jim
> --- On Tue, 4/22/08, d-solomon@comcast.net <d-solomon@comcast.net>
> wrote:
> From: d-solomon@comcast.net <d-solomon@comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] ebay seller warning
> To: "john wightman" <johnwightman@shaw.ca>, "Richard Schnoor"
> <machworx@gmail.com>
> Cc: "Datsun Roadster group" <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>
> Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 6:29 PM
> i'm a pretty "died-in-the-wool" conservative, and a staunch
> supporter of most of the Republican party agenda....
> but I have to agree. Not saying ANYTHING about his politics, as I don't
> intend to mix that with my roadster love... but I have been very dissapointed
> in how "unrefined", or "un-statesman-like" the president
> that I voted for is....
> :-(
> so imagine my distress at now looking at casting a vote for McCain. Maybe
> I'll go fishing instead of voting this time.
> Dan
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: john wightman <johnwightman@shaw.ca>
>> Yes, that's exactly how I feel about the president...
>> :-)
>> JW
>> On 22-Apr-08, at 5:41 AM, Richard Schnoor wrote:
>>> I'm not sure I would trust anybody that makes so many spelling
> &
>>> grammar
>>> errors. What is he in the 2nd grade?
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