Ooops... Should have mentioned that the engine is a 3-main 1600 from a '67.
Matthew Cox <> wrote:
Hello! Thanks to everyone who has given me advice so far on my project.
Especialy those that were so quick on the reply when my hands were covered in
grease and I couldn't get "X" part off.
I finally got the engine completely removed and down to my class tonight where
we put it on the engine stand. On Tuesday I will go down early and begin
disassembly so that I can see what see what I have and order parts.
Soooo... I guess I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is on where I should go
from here. I already have a header and an EI dizzy as upgrades. What are my
options with a bigger cam and cylinder bore? I don't have any idea what sizes
one can do, what kind of performance gains, where one would get such things and
what kinds of costs I can expect. Can I just do a bigger cam and that's all and
see decent improvement? Any other performance upgrades I should be looking at?
I guess I just want to get as much performance as I can, while still keeping
drivability and not going the whole stroker route (at least not right now).
What kinds of things have you guys done? What would you do to your car if you
had the engine apart? What have you done/not done but regretted. Anything basic
I should be sure to take care of or replace of while I have everything apart?
Once again, thanks for all the help! The learning continues...
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