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Re: RA

Subject: Re: RA
From: Steve Jacobson <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 21:13:13 -0700 (PDT)

Yes, MOST weekends have touring, $75 is the std price. 20-30 mins or
so if I recall. Starts out a bit slow, 60 or so, but as things spread
out, you can let it run.  No dive-bombing in the corners though, and
offs will get you warned or kicked out I suppose.  In the gravel
usually kills the session.  Never did the touring though.

--- Spring vintage May 17-20 has touring listed for Fri,Sat & Sun, no
price ($35 for race entrants)
    - My plans are to drive the roadster up with some friends, a '67
Caprice, and maybe a '56 Chevy panel on Sun 5/20 early, and do the
touring as a "get-a-feel-for-the-car" session.  I would be happy to
give rides/show the line as possible.  Would be cool to meet up for a
vintage ride up there and/or around the roads of Elkhart.  They now
have the original road course marked out with signs and a map on
their web site.  we could also meet up there in the Z zone or some
other designated spot (like wherever two roadsters meet!)

--- June 15-17 Blackhawk Vintage Classic at Blackhawk Farms (father's
day weekend) has sat & sun touring for $50, race entrants (me) tour
   - I hope to be racing this weekend, test day on Fri, racing Sat &
Sun.  Touring a possibility depending on the car's condition.  Rides
gladly given as time permits. I will have family and friends there.

--- July 19-22 Racing in the Kohler Challenge or whatever they
decided to call it this year. This (and previously the June Sprints)
is the event the ELR&SS has been spectating for the last 30+ years. I
just gotta do it.  Touring Sat & Sun, $75.

Maybe a Midwestern Council event or two along the way as well.  Those
are "non-spectating" events, but I can put people on my crew list for
$10 or so.  Sometimes they have touring, but usually worker rides.

As things firm up, I'll try to keep my website
race Schedule page updated.  I'll be red #3 or #33 (Bob Sharp
look-alike eventually)

PS: there's a guy selling a f-prod 1600 roadster in northern
illinois, some slight work to do, extra engine, rear ends, wheels,
etc.  Last I heard $4,000, he's got a kid on the way.

Steve's Racing web site
Elkhart Lake Racing & Sipping Society home

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