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10am caravan, see ya there, kluge lite set

To: <>, <>
Subject: 10am caravan, see ya there, kluge lite set
From: "Fergus OFarrell" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 15:07:06 -0800
Hey Paul and whomever,
I'll be there at Fashion Island, ready to go.  Are we takin' the toll road?
(I'll bring my pass is we are.)

The lite situation frustrates me to no end, and I'll be bringing up the rear
of this caravan line for sure.

Remember my parking lites were blowing fuses after 10 minutes?  Well, then my
brake lites stopped working altogether.  Tried connecting the two wires like
it suggests (by John Sandhoff?) on 311s'org.  Nothin, period.  I knew I had to
do something about the overheating fuse on the parking lite circuit, so I got
a bypass fusible link and bypassed the fuse holder, which John suggested.
(this next kluge he DIDN't suggest)

Then I connected the brake switch wires (bypasssing the foot switch) and then
fed a hot lead from the fusebox and sure enough, they go on.  So, I rigged a
hand switch so that now I have to push the switch with my thumb to get
brakelites when I brake.  (driving in my car is getting really BUSY)

No blinkers still.  They work when I turn on the headlites or parking lites,
but then the same fuse blows in about 45 seconds.

I don't even know where to start at this point.  Obviously, figure out if the
std brake switch works (100% continuity when button is released?), and if I
take the parking lite bulbs out one by one until my fuse lasts, will that tell
me which leg is shorting out?  I have a multimeter, and am not sure if probing
the bullet connectors along the line will tell me anything useful.

Arrghhh!  the reason I feared takng on car projects, was that this weakness of
mine come into play.  This bar-b-q is the last event for the winter, going to
be down for some major projects, and wondering out loud if a Painless Wiring
Harness (and its Pain-Full installation) is going to be in order.

Sorry for the rant.

Fergus O, be there at 10am Paul.

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