The late one come apart easily for cleaning. A few screws and the case is
apart. I wouldn't hose it out with a spray can for fear of the numbers going
away. A q-tip and some solvent on various pivit points should fix it up. If
you're into fiddly bits you can take it pretty much all apart. A little rubbing
alcohol will clean the odometer dials. Don't rub too hard! Just a light touch.
In a message dated 10/4/2006 10:25:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
My appologies if this has been asked before, but I have a Spedo that
out at
75 RPM. It will accelerate when I spin it so I know it's not faulty. It
does not
want to return to zero.
I had removed my dash and disconnected my spedo, and by the time I
everything the needle was pointing to 75!
I'm sure it's an easy fix but i've been banging my head trying to figure it
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1969- 1600
Coquitlam, BC