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RE: I hate trucks!!!!

Subject: RE: I hate trucks!!!!
From: Andy Cost <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:17:54 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
I live and commute in Dallas every day.  It isn't all that bad.  The trick is 
to have a jacked up truck with 35" super-swampers, a W04 sticker on one side of 
the bumper, an NRA sticker on the other, and right in the middle a sticker that 
says "My kid beat up your honor student".  Another favorite sticker is the "My 
kid has perfect attendance at San Quentin correctional facility."

Actually, I drive a little car and I don't loiter around other vehicles.  If I 
have to pass then I get it done and always leave myself an escape route.  I try 
not to be in a position where I am trapped when that guy comes over in my lane.

If you want to see really bad Texas traffic then go to Austin.  Those people 
just don't care.

>As far as drivers go, ever been to Dallas? The place is INSANE when it comes
>to BIG Trucks, and lane changes. Last time I was there, I was just sure that
>the drivers there were playing a game called "lets all change lanes...NOW!".
>EVERYONE wanted to win! I doubt Loreli will EVER see Dallas for that reason.

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