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something to think about.

Subject: something to think about.
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 03:44:01 +0000
Hey all,
a charcoal respirator is $35 around here.
It's really good to use even for bomb cans,
but stuff like POR-15 and Hammerite can do real
damage to your lungs.

And yes, for some people, even absorbtion through the
skin is nasty.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Peter Jones" <>
> Listers,
> Last week I was using the POR-15 black rust paint and had all the usaul 
> safety gear on,
> but did not have full lenght sleeves as it was warm on the day of paint.
> I was using a spraygun with the paint slightly thinned and ended up getting 
> some on my forearms and a little on my face where the goggles and face mask 
> didn't cover. How I have a nasty rash that has appeared and went in to 
> Anaphylaxis shock 1 hour after using the product and ended up staying in 
> hospital for 8 hours in the emergancy ward on oxygen.
> The dotors have a feeling it was the chemical in the paint as it is listed 
> as a irritant.
> Great product for rust and wheel rims but not good for your skin.
> Next time you go to use this product make sure you cover up.
> Regards
> Peter j
> 69 2000

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