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Re: Eastwood products

To: "Pete Peters" <>,
Subject: Re: Eastwood products
From: "E Scanlon" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:41:33 -0700
When I was in the Air Force, I was an Inventory Management Specialist (aka 
Supply), and there was a Beetle Bailey cartoon that someone posted on one of 
the Bulletin Boards, don't know if I can find it, but here's the 

First Frame:
Beetle is holding up two hammers, one of which has a price tag, showing them 
to Sarge.  He says: "Sarge, what's the difference between this $450 Army 
hammer and this other one I found at the hardware store for $20?

Second Frame:
Sarge is shown hammering, with a dozen little "taps" around the nail:  He 
Says: "Well, Beetle, here's the thing.  Your little hammer takes a lot of 
work to drive the nail in."

Third Frame:
Sarge is shown hammering, with one large "WHAM" on the nail: He Says: "With 
the Army Hammer, all it taks is one hit!"

Fourth Frame:
Sarge is seen walking away with Otto (his dog), Beetle has this "Duh" look 
on his face.

So, Pete, in answer to your question, could that be the answer?  It takes 
several LIGHT coats of Krylon rust proofing paint and one HEAVY coat of 

Tongue firmly in cheek.....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pete Peters" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 10:53 AM
Subject: Eastwood products

> Krylon costs $5 a can (or less); Eastwood costs $20. Everyone raves about
> Eastwood, but I have to ask:
> 1. What does the extra $15 per can get you?
> 2. Any other similar products? I found Zero Rust at the local autobody
> supply store.
> Thanks.
>                        `  ___  '
> Pete                   -  (O o)  -
> ----------------------ooO--(_)--Ooo-------
> Lake Forest Park, WA
> 1966 1600 (SPL311-00799)
> ...brake parts cost WHAT??!!!

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