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Re: Roadster guy in need of your prayers

To: <>
Subject: Re: Roadster guy in need of your prayers
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2006 09:24:59 -0500
we are with you!!!!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Bond" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Roadster guy in need of your prayers

> Hey List. Those of you that were at the Mitty know that I was not feeling 
> so
> well. My shoulder injury turned out to be a tumor. I have been through all 
> the
> mri,s and ct scans and found out I have renal cell carcinoma of the 
> kidney. In
> other words, a bad case of cancer. I was pretty shocked to say the least, 
> as
> some of you that know me probably are. I'm only 40. Things started looking 
> up
> as of Friday, I learned of a hardcore treatment that may put it into
> remission. That wont be much fun. I dont know what will become of my cars. 
> May
> have to sell them, roadsters aren't too kind to the kidney and I may need 
> the
> money. I have the bright yellow 67.5 SPL2000 Not a real 2000. Some of you 
> may
> have seen a small pic of it in Classic Motorsports last month. I really 
> love
> my 2000 and 510, but in this situation they are just cars. I will try to 
> hold
> onto them as long as I can. To Ron Ayers of FL, contact me about the 68. 
> My
> hardrive crashed and I have no adresses. Anyway list, I am a very upbeat
> person and I am not gonna let this get the best of me. I feel I have alot 
> of
> living left in me. Sorry to post such a downer of a e-mail on the list. 
> You
> never know, maybe there is a roadster guy out there that may be a expert 
> on
> this and can help me out. I'll take any information,prayers, advice from
> anyone that wants to write. I am not a regular at church, but believe 
> there is
> a god looking out for me. I have had some interesting experiences this 
> past
> week in that feild. Enjoy the ride, Chris

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