So, an encounter with a large pothole at 75 mph on the way to the Fun
Run last weekend resulted in a leaky rim, and they are not multi piece
That means a crack, and while I have not seen the rim (tiremen didn't
remove the tire, not the sharpest tools in the shed there) that means a
crack, which doesn't sound so safe to me. They marked the rim in about
a 3" band right next to the mesh. I'll go back to them this weekend and
have them pull the tire and post a pic of the rim.
Anyone had any success in rim repair, or have one they want to part
with? These rims look like the typical mesh center Z rims, 'cept they
have the correct roadster offset. (now I have a chance to measure them
for you, Victor).
Any ideas? Fergus O, 69 2000 with projects springing up at every