I D/Led the '70 wiring diagram from 311s.org earlier this week and printed
several copies 11 X 17. They're really very clean and, since they're PDFs
rather than bitmaps, scale very nicely. Decided I needed a tube to store
them in so I stopped by Staples and bought one.
While there I asked them if they could laminate 11 x 17. Answer was yes, at
$2/each!! Heck of a deal. Turns out they can print color 24 x 36, mount on
foam core, then laminate, for $50! The young lady there this morning when I
have some 11 x 17 diagrams laminated wasn't sure of the cost to just print
and laminate a PDF like the diagrams 24 x 36, but if you'd like a very
useable copy check with a Staplers Office Max, Kinkos, etc.