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Re: Alternate Clutch Master

Subject: Re: Alternate Clutch Master
From: Pat Horne <>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 11:05:29 -0600

Have you looked for wear on the clutch pedal where the master cylinder 
linkage attaches? The hole gets worn so that there is not enough stroke 
of the master to disengage the clutch fully. You may also be able to 
adjust the master linkage to get rid of any other play in there.

Pat wrote:

>So maybe it's me, but I can't seem to stop clashing the gears even though the 
>clutch and pivot are completely out so that it the fork is just barely 
>touching the throw our bearing when the peddle is up.
>My best it so just replace the clutch master with a master that has a slightly 
>larger bore so that every inch of peddle travel will get me more movement on 
>the clutch.  Has anyone changed the master out?  What replacement did people 
>Nathaniel Leeds
>p.s. New magnaflow exhaust, routed below the rear axle sounds great and seems 
>to make the engine happy.

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