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OT, taste test, Vegemite

To: "Roadsters" <>
Subject: OT, taste test, Vegemite
From: "Paul" <>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:57:39 -0500
  Yesterday I asked the question of just how one should go about eating
Vegemite.  The correct question should have been WHY would anyone want to
eat it!
  Several responses said it was an acquired taste?  That would be like
sitting down to a truck load of Lucky Strikes and start chain smoking to
acquire lung cancer!  The must starve the Aussy kids to get them to eat it.
I suffered through the early years of dehydrated backpacking food, 4 years
of Navy food,  and then many dinners cooked by Tenderfoot Boy Scouts that
had obviously only walked through their mother's kitchens to get to the back
door.  None of which prepared my tongue for the first taste of vegemite.

   Gordon came closest when he suggested that it might make a good
gasket sealer.  While I won't try it on my roadster, I can confirm that it
does taste similar to gasket sealer, ... mixed with some salty anchovy

Have a Happy & SAFE New Years!

Paul Kort
  ....and no, I did not finish the piece of toast.  Tomorrow I'll report on
whether or not the squirrels will eat it.

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