> Paul (heyace)
> On the subject of Mikuni carbs... I was looking under the hood of my now 10K
> ago frame off resto(man it was dirty!) and I noticed the insulators to my
> solex's are starting to show signs of wear(cracking). As I was looking at
> them I began to wonder why these have to be made of hard rubber. This may be
> a stupid Question but... Has anyone ever done anything different? Why
> couldn't you make them out of say, billet alum?
> It seems like all they are, are adapters anyway?
They serve to insulate the carbs from heat transfer through the manifold and
from a certain amount of fuel of frothing and possible float level
inaccuracy due to vibration.
Can't remember which were harder/stiffer, but Volvo insulators were often
used as alternatives to the OEM factory pieces. I suspect that Pierce, APT
and others currently offer pieces that'll work.