The 'theory' of which was written about is a disputed one.
The grinder of the cam I used, Malvern Racing, which built a lot of motors
for the Datsun community, disputed the 'run it hard approach'.
The first 1/2 hour is the most critical break in time of the engine. It was
suggested I should keep the idle above 2500 rpms for the first half hour so
the lifters and cam mate correctly. This is critical.
Shut the engine down and adjust the valves. Let it sit overnight and
retorque the head. Take it for a ride and readjust the valves. Keep the rpms
to a max of 4000 - 5000 the first 500 miles and don't nail the gas pedal.
Use city type driving to seat the rings.
Mike Unger broke in an engine at the Glen and gradually worked up the rpms
during each session and used his right foot gingerly while doing so.
Of course it's your engine and you can do what you want.
PS -I change the oil/filter after the 1/2 hour break in and again at 100
miles and then 500 miles.