Do you just need a picture to confirm what you have or just don't have one?
Rallye has them new AND used... but no pictures.. sorry!
ABCDH 656-10 KNOB, HOOD $57.44
ABCDH 656-10U KNOB, HOOD $6.00
I thought I had some pictures of Gary Lasaters beautiful '63 1500, but can't
find it right now. I *think* they are the same as the '66 1600s though.. I
could be wrong though.
Good luck!
> From: Gerardo Magana <>
> Date: 2005/10/12 Wed PM 05:48:27 EDT
> To: "" <>
> Subject: 1500 Hood knob picture request:
> Hey there, Wondering if anyone has a picture of a 1500
> hood knob. I am looking at putting a correct one in
> my car and I am not sure what it should look like.
> Thanks, Gerardo