After reading the message recently sent to the list by Gerardo. I believe
Eric jumped the gun in his reply to the list.
The way I understand what Gerardo intends to do is to gift the parts to the
Japanese club that were freely given to him.
Gerardo also intends to make an investment in the switches by offering to
pay people who are better motivated by profit than gratuity. Gerardo
intends to recoup his investment by selling the switches he purchased to
the Japanese club members for purchase cost only.
Please read all the words as they appear on the page start at the top, read
to the right, reach the end, move down a line, repeat.
Dave Dearinger
1966 1600
Just a note to let people know I am still looking for
hazard switches, I have had a few replies but lost
some of the data on my old computer. Now that I have
my new one I am back up and running and would like to
be able to buy some for those that can't afford to
give one away. I in turn will sell them at that cost
to the Japanese club, I was hoping to get some rounded
up so that they could be gifts to the SP/SR club
members. Either way if you have one and you can spare
it contact me, I will be leaving for Japan in November
so I would like to find as many as possible before
Thanks again,
Gerardo Magana
67.5 2000
67.5 2000
70 2000
64 1500