Went through the regulator thing not long ago. One of the resistors is
center tapped. Looks like two in the diagram but one in the box. The diagram
in the book seemed accurate but it took some real head scratching to track
down all the connections. As I recall R1 and R3 is the tapped resistor, with
center going to the field. The VC2 relay is the one that actually adjusts
the voltage. My diagram shows the battery lead going to the A terminal on the
regulator, I believe it actually goes to the large post on the alternator that
is connected internally. If the A lead between the alternator and the
regulator is open ( a white wire according to the book) the regulator will see
volts from the battery and will run the alternator wide open. The VC2 relay
will not get pulled and R1 will be shorted all the time boosting the field
current. The VC1 coil is powered by the armature coils directly. The book
an idiot light. No armature voltage, no VC1 pull in, idiot light on. When
VC1 pulls in it powers VC2 and starts voltage regulation. Like I said, lots of
head scratching. After all that, check the white wire, the A lead, between
the alternator and regulator. On mine the connection in the plug was corroded.
Cleaned it up, added a little dielectric grease and it's been fine since.
keith williams
In a message dated 10/6/2005 9:10:18 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
dcorbitt77@comcast.net writes:
I have a '69 2000. I'm dealing with a voltage regulator issue (alternator is
full ON all the time so voltage is too high). I'm suspecting connectors or
wiring between the regulator and alternator but need better documentation to
go further. I have an older and new voltage regulator. Both do the same thing.
I also have schematics but the drawings I have for the regulator don't agree
with the actual circuits and omponents inside my regulator. Wires are
connected differently in the real thing compared to the drawing and the
configuration is different. There are 3 resistors in the drawing and only 2 in
actual regulator. Does anyone out there have a drawing of the internal
and wiring of the voltage regulator with two internal resistors so I can do
some troubleshooting?
Dave C