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Re: carb questions

Subject: Re: carb questions
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 11:39:21 EDT
    Since you talked about needles I assume you have  the SU carbs. Check 
your dash pot oil. If they have none or it is too thin the  acceleration will 
suffer. The oil slows the piston rise making the mixture  richer on 
Make sure your pistons move freely, you might need to  pull the domes and 
clean the domes and pistons to remove carbon. While the  pistons are out check 
the needles for shiny spots. Originally they have a satin  finish and shiny 
spots indicate wear.
In a message dated 8/3/2005 5:27:26 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Good day  to everyone:

My car is a 67.5 1600 with a 2000 engine.  I don't  know what year engine, I 
just know it's a 2000 engine.  

Where is  the serial number on the engine and how can I find out what year I  

I have noticed "uneven" or sometimes flat acceleration: it  usually pulls 
strong throughout the power band but sometimes doesn't.   Say I'm at highway 
speeds, sometimes I'll step on the gas and not much  happens, I'll resume 
sustained speed then maybe 15 seconds later the power  returns.

Sounds like it may be time for a card rebuild?  Someone  suggested worn 
needles, is this a classic symptom?  Anything else I  should check?  How do I 
if I have smog vs non smog carbs?   

Eric Hoffman

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