I'm in the process of rebuilding the carburetors on my 1968 2000.
I've found that some of the parts are NLA from Nissan (surprise!).
I found that originally the nozzles came as two separate parts: front
(#16355-25610) and rear (#16355-25611), presumably because the 2-liter
carbs are oriented symmetrically so the two nozzles need be mirror-
images of one another. Anyway, the rear nozzle is NLA but the front
is available--is it possible to make due with two front nozzles?
Float valves (#16101-25610) are also extinct. I need a pair and if
anyone has a couple available please e-mail me off list.
FYI, the suction springs (#16346-25610) and screws (#16129-73013) and
washers (#23502-30000) that hold the domes and float chambers to the
bodies are NLA, though finding subsitutes for these parts shouldn't be
too difficult.