Looks good Alvin.
I like the custom made kick panel mounts. They look much more slick than
the generic Q-forms boxes I am using. From the pictures it doesn't look
like they are angled up at the driver at all? Won't that make it sound
kinda weird?
Next step is going to be a subwoofer right?
Daniel Neuman
Oakland CA
$I also got a a new stereo system installed...I love it. I can actually
$something on the freeway and the best part is that it still looks stock!
$Fernando of Short Circuit did a phenomenal job...fabbed up some front kick
$panels for the speakers and I can still use my dead pedal! And the rear
$speakers look so smooth...I'm using 4- MB Quart speakers and an amp in the
$trunk which also looks clean.
$The head unit is an Alpine that plays MP3s, WMA and has an iPOD link(for my
$brother of course) it is mounted flush into the glovebox and finished with
$black vinyl.