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V8 Roadster Trial Website Launch

To: <>
Subject: V8 Roadster Trial Website Launch
From: "Eric Hankinson" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 16:39:08 -0500
Hello List!


I am really looking forward to seeing everybody and their cars at Solvang
this year!  My car won't look much different on the outside than it did at
last year's show, but there have been a few changes underneath the sheet
metal.  You can check out all the gory details at:  


I am still working on the site so if any of you find any boo-boos, please
let me know. FYI, the site will eventually move to once I figure
out the vagaries of "subwebs".  


Eric Hankinson

1969 2000

302 V8

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