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Bay Area Body Shop

Subject: Bay Area Body Shop
From: z m <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 10:03:18 -0700 (PDT)
   Yep, some fool hit the roadster this weekend while it was parked on the 
street. (usually it's in the garage, but my brother's '73 Alfa GTV was in there 
all weekend for heater core work).  Luckily the dumb driver is the cousin of a 
good neighbor so I recieved all his information, and the driver said he already 
submitted the claim to his insurance company.  
    The damage is limited to the lower driver's side fender and a small part of 
the driver's door, actually it's quite minor.  However, since his insurance is 
covering all repairs, I want it done right - new fender, or at the very least 
pulled and leaded panel.  I don't want anything to do with bondo.  Soooooo, if 
anyone knows of a good body shop in San Francisco or the Bay Area that is 
sympathetic to classics I'd love to hear some recommendations.  Since I've had 
the roadster, nobody's worked on it but me and I really want to find a shop I 
can trust.  Thanks guys!
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