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RE: Can't pass smog

To: "'John Friederich'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Can't pass smog
From: "Daniel Neuman" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:45:52 -0800
I've heard from some folks that mixing in a couple gallons of a type of
alcohol into your gas before the test is supposed to make the tailpipe
emissions way cleaner...sorry I don't remember the type of alcohol or how
        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA

$Trying to get my 2000 re-registered before Solvang.  Every year has been a
$struggle, but this year it is not even close - Hydrocarbons at idle is the
$2000, Solex carbs, cam.  Seems to run as good as it ever has, maybe 5k
$since major rebuild 5 years ago.  I can smell a little unburned fuel at
$#1 plug is black, all others nice grey.
$SK syncrometer (at idle) shows 3.5 for #1, 5 for all others (it has always
$been this way, though.)
$Compression for #1 is a little down from the others (always been this way,
$some reason.)
$Timing is right on, electronic distributer, no wander at all.
$Since car sat so much this winter, I wondered about a clogged something in
$solex, but all seems to be clear.
$Any ideas on where to start?
$John Friederich
$ps - I've been off the list for a year or so, so feel a little funny asking
$for help now...

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