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FYI ... Interesting info on ball joints

To: "" <datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: FYI ... Interesting info on ball joints
From: "Jim Sylvester" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 17:41:33 -0600
I've been contacted by a company that out sources the "small run"
manufacturing of quality aftermarket parts.

The e-mail (below) is an e-mail follow-up to a conversation I had with their


If you were convinced the parts were quality parts, can I get a quick,
non-binding count of who on the list would be interested in submitting an
order for a full set (two upper and two lower) of ball joints?.

This endeavour is a long ways away from coming to fruition, but I'm imaging
a process whereby I would set up a escrow account in a bank acting as the
fiduciary and custodian.  Upon full funding of the order in a period not to
exceed 2-3 months, the bank would send the money to the manufacturer.

Lots of details to work out....just let me know if you have any interest.


Dear Jim

Thank you for contacting us about your special needs.  I will try 
to summarize a basic concept to help get this project moving.

To make these ball joints, we would need an order for 250 pcs of upper ball 
joint and 250 pcs of the lower ball joint.  The cost would be about $60.80
per ball joint.  We would then order 500 of each ball joint, but pre-selling

250 of each to you (or your club) we could reduce out initial investment to
level that is a good business practice.

There are many manufacturers available, many are good, some are very bad
is one of the worse).  Of the good suppliers, most require an order of 5000 

The supplier we work close with is an ISO 9001 manufacturer that we have 
partnered with for over 20 years.  They are in Taiwan and are the premier 
manufacturer there,  they will on occasion produce small volumes for us on 

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