You can contact Earl's directly at 310 542-6435. Just called and talked to
Tom and he thinks he can help. Local call from here. Hawthorne, CA I think.
Probably not too much by Priority Mail.
At 05:20 PM 12/28/2004 -0500, wrote:
>My wife evidently threw away away the custom Earl's 10mmx1 banjo bolts and
crush washers. 2 weeks to get from Amercian Street Rod. Anybody know of
anything else that will work/place I can get them?
>AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I have been unable to get any part shipped correctly
(except for Keith's carbs) on ANY part I have purchased for this project (
I mean the whole car, not ust the brakes), and the very few things that are
right are in California (I'm in Florida) so 5 days or else a ton in