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RE: OT- we finally got a 'practical' car..

To: "'Dave Stoll'" <>,
Subject: RE: OT- we finally got a 'practical' car..
From: "Daniel Neuman" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:21:54 -0800
Too big for our secure parking space.  The Civic parked in the space
actually makes the space look big!! We can close the gate and pop the trunk
and get grocery's out!!! Heaven!!! Plus there is no squeezing of motorcycles
past it!!!
        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA

$Hows this for a practical car.....
$In October I bought a 1989 Ply. Sundance with 47,000 miles for $1500, was
$owned by the neighbor's grandmother, always garaged, never driven in snow
$(remember we are in Maine), and possibly very little rain.  the little 4
$cyl. gives me no reason to put my foot into the gas cause it just isn't
$there so the mileage is great.  For $1500 why bother with collision so the
$insurance is $85/6 months.  For getting the wife to work (3 mile drive),
$a great car

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