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Re: thermostat for 70 2000

To: "Graeme Suckling" <>,
Subject: Re: thermostat for 70 2000
From: "Bill Cole" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 10:21:16 -0700
Hi Graeme, had this roadster since 1978 and ran with the R forover 20 years
and had the fuel/temp gauges move a bit but not enough to be worried. Now and
then I would run with the heater fan on. It makes temp gauge read cooler. Then
in 2002 I decide to put a rebuild U20 in and the gauge seams to rise and fall
more than before. Maybe I am running hot but I have never boiled over or
dumped coolant. Also when I fill up the fuel tank it seams to effect the
reading on the original temp gauge.
 The post I originally posted was to let everyone know that aftermarket temp
gauges will work if you have the 70 housing, then you can run new and original
gauges and maybe be more at ease than being stressed out thinking your running
   I put a R-1600 # 1305 in my car back in 1985 an miss having the
dependability of it. Since I converted to the U20 there has been coolant
leaks, oil leaks, and now I have a vibration that I need to address too. Maybe
the timing chain?  The power of the U20 is awesome and hopefully I will get
the bugs out of it and be able to travel long distances like Shasta 2005. I
live in Oregon so it's not as far as you are.....Bill Cole

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