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need any parts delivered to Watkins Glen? and a few cars for

To: <>
Subject: need any parts delivered to Watkins Glen? and a few cars for
From: "C. Halsted" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004 08:06:44 -0400
I'll be headed up to the Glen next weekend and if anyone needs any parts I
could deliver there... good opportunity to pick up on big stuff like
hardtops or fenders or engines or transmissions or smaller stuff like
Solexes, B cam, or Comp Pan.... let me know ahead of time as I doubt I'll
haul a bunch of stuff with me unless someone's expressed an interest. still
have to get a roadster together in the next few days.

Craig Halsted
mostly roadsters

BTW, have a '71 TR6 with very decent body, O/D, good chrome asking $3500
                      '35 Morris 8 4dsd RHD basket case looks kinda like a
mini '33 Ford asking $2500
                      '67.5 2000 #525 matching # SU car first $3500 and for
$1500 more will include
                      correct early Solexes, B cam, and Comp Pan  this is
the car Eric Frisbee looked at
                      20k original mile late 1600 for parts or restore $1250
                      55k original mile 69 1600 from Georgia for restoration
$1500 nice bumpers and grille too
                      lots of other roadsters mostly projects or parts cars,
including other 67.5 2000's

                      I've been offered a 1960 Mercedes 220SE convertible in
a trade, needs restoration.
                      if anyone would have a particular interest in this
car, contact me offline. I've admired
                      and known of this car for about 20 years, but the cost
of restoration will generally
                      exceed the value afterwards and these babies are
expensive to restore. out of my
                      budget range.

                      pix available of most of these cars

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  • need any parts delivered to Watkins Glen? and a few cars for, C. Halsted <=