I'm am pleased to announce that SRL311-13606 arrived at its new home in
Temple, TX, around noon today. I want to thank Mike McCabe for his patience
and for hanging on to the car for way longer than most folks would have for
The car came with an extra 5-spd and a JDM SR20de and 5-spd plus a bunch of
extra bits and an incredible amount of documentation and literature. Terry
Cost (the Elder) has already visited the new Temple resident and pronounced
it a great deal. I should be able to check a couple of small know issues
out, get the registration and inspection up to date and get it on the road
over the next couple of weeks.
For the next year or so we just plan to sort it out and enjoy roadstering
again after a 32 year hiatus and plan on bringing it out to Shasta next
July. After that we'll look at a frame off which will possibly include the
SR 20 swap. I'm also thinking about a custom flat dash which would utilize
some flavor of vintage looking Auto Meter gauges. Plan on discussing that
this weekend with my critter creating buddy, Marc Tyler, as we're headed for
the Hill Country (not in the roadster) in the morning.
Guess I'm gonna have to figure out which photo site I want to post to or
just put a site together myself, maybe on .mac.
Needless to say I'm pumped, and when I mentioned I was going to show Terry
my car, I was politely but firmly reminded that it's "our" car. ;>)
Pics to follow,
[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type text/directory which had a name
of Jason Gray.vcf]