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OT now: RE: Roadster Fever Claims Another Victim!

To: "'Datsun Roadsters list'" <>
Subject: OT now: RE: Roadster Fever Claims Another Victim!
From: Mitch Planck <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:30:22 -0400
> WooHOO! my first roadster drive/ride. Sure is different than 
> the 914. And,
> gee! these things are tight! <g> Car is better is some places 
> and worse in
> others than I expected, but it drove, shifted, and stopped real nice.

Congrats on your fever! (no, really)

Anyways, speaking of 914s, last weekend I saw at least 10 of them doing what
must have been a fun run about a 1/2 mile from my house, turning from one
road to another. I've never seen so many in such nice shape in one place
before. And a month earlier I saw just a general Porsche fun run near my
friends house - about 10-15 various models. It was sweet. I live about an
hour from Detroit and normally don't see many nice foreign cars, lots of
muscle cars at the car shows around here.

Roadster content:
I've been slowwlly cleaning dirt and grease of the bare frame and plan on
finishing it up with POR-15 later this summer and then hanging it back up in
my garage rafters until a later date. I'll be putting the Roadster rebuild
on a couple year hiatus until I can get my financial house in better order,
a la Dave Ramsey (

Chelsea, MI
'69 1600
'70 1600

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